In me, a flood:
And this, too, a caution
of events already in motion,
an exhalation of the essence
keeping me afloat. The honey-
stuck way I am attempting to excavate
these habits (their inevitable cycle)
fossilized as they are in amber,
these geomorphic layers of past trials
and tribulations spreading like so many
keloid scars. Lament the shifting plates
beneath our feet. With one finger, trace
the coffee-stained veins to the forgotten
ore, that time-hardened vulnerability
aching beneath ash and dust and earth.
Stories left stinging in the minerals, the way
volcanoes live and die and live again:
Phoenixes. This paper trail goes on for miles.





Rising UCLA freshman Naomi Yung is an alumna of California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA), an editorial intern at a literary magazine, and the news editor of her high school's newspaper. She is an avid fan of eating, dreaming, and the oxford comma. Naomi's pieces appear in The Yearbook Office, Quail Bell Magazine, and elsewhere.